HomeLetran-Calamba Journal of Institutional Research and Developmentvol. 1 no. 2 (2015)

A Study on the Impact of BEOP Activities on the 4th Year Students of Colegio de San Juan de Letran as Implementers for A.Y. 2013-2014

Maria Victoria Torres

Discipline: Education



The study analyzed the impact of Basic Education Outreach Program (BEOP) Activities on the 4th year High School students as implementers of the said program. It used the descriptive method in explaining the data gathered from the respondents. Using purposive random sampling, questionnaires were distributed to 100 student-implementers of the BEOP Activities. The data gathered were analyzed through thematic analysis.
The results showed a positive claim that the BEOP Activities had an impact on the implementers. Community service is considered important by students who had an exposure and experience of the said activities. The impact identified in the study focused on the concept of realizations of value of life, the positive traits to be considered, and the good deeds to be simply performed at all times .The study concluded that the implementers have realizations after their involvement in the community service programs brought by the positive effects in their experiences. The study recommended: a) continued inclusion of community service in the curriculum to insure a continuous benefit for the students, department, and the community being served; b) intensify programs that are according to the needs of the community; c) have continuous improvement on the program so as to maintain and increase the benefits of the implementers; and, d) campaign for parent involvement to support the eagerness of the students to do community service.