HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 2 no. 1 (2015)


Joelle Bernadeth A. Amado | Nico Marvin E. Carpena | Harvey L. Malla | Marvin O. Austral

Discipline: Marketing Management



“Molecules” Laundry Shop located in 57 BE Tanguile St. Lakeview Subd., Bucal, Calamba, Laguna had its target market the people of this locale aged 15 to 27 who had a population of 6,338. Based on the Annual Survey of the Philippines Business and Industry, laundry shop ranked second in the service industry, having a business opportunity of 18% for entrepreneurs. “Molecules” Laundry Shop was committed to provide the finest quality dry cleaning and laundry services to customers by delivering friendly, express, and personalized services at reasonable price by using natural detergent soap and powder (e.g. calamansi, kamias etc.). It accepted clothes and accessories such as bags, leather and rubber shoes to clean and/or polish, and provided door-to-door pickup and delivery, fast lane priority, and text tracking system (TTS); had business operations hours from 9:00AM to 8:00PM on Saturdays and Sundays. It accepted a minimum of 3 kilograms of laundry at a price of Php 25 per kilogram of washing.