HomeThe Trinitian Researchervol. 5 no. 1 (2013)

Work Values and Job Commitment of the Non-Teaching Personnel of a University in an Urban Community

Guillermina C. Vizcarra

Discipline: Education, Psychology



The study determined the work values and job commitment of the non-teaching personnel of a university in an urban community. Data were collected through a questionnaire with open-ended questions and administered to 109 non-teaching personnel. This was complemented with focus group discussions by selected personnel of the different servicing units of the University. A faculty member and an administrator were interviewed to expound on the data. The study revealed that the top five work values perceived to be important by the nonteaching personnel are the following; (1) honesty and integrity, (2) dependability, (3) professionalism, (4) loyalty, and (5) adaptability.

Commitment to work, which was linked to possession of positive work values, acted as a driving force for employees to perform well in the workplace. Work values and commitment are influenced by the personal values of the employee and the environment where the employee is working. There is a tendency for the non-teaching personnel to develop perceptions which may or may not reflect reality, and consequently, influenced their value system. The stakeholders in the school should together realize how they affect each other in the formulation of work values.