HomeAsian Journal of Biodiversityvol. 2 no. 1 (2011)

Preliminary Study on the Macrofungi of Bazal-Baubo Watershed, Aurora Province, Central Luzon, Philippines

Edwin R. Tadiosa | Efren S. Agbayani | Nestor T. Agustin

Discipline: Microbiology



A preliminary study on the macroscopic fungi was conducted at the watershed of Aurora Province. Four transect lines were established from 50m to 1040 m asl with 20m x 50m quadrat sampling each transect line (TL) and with an interval of 200m between quadrats. The fungal species within the quadrats along the TL’s were collected, identified and recorded. Opportunistic sampling method was also used during the survey. Field sampling of fungi resulted to the identification of 38 families, 68 genera, and 107 species with a total of 684 individuals. Of which 91 are basidiomycetes, 14 are ascomycetes, and two are myxomycetes. Among the significant findings include Aseroe rubra Labill., Lycoperdon echinatum Pers., Macrolepiota rhacodes (Vittadini) Singer, and Cookeina tricholoma (Mont.) Kuntze, as the new record fungal

species in Aurora, and one possible new species of the genus Hexagonia. Further field surveys of the watershed is anticipated to uncover a rich and diverse fungal flora in the area. Although generally well protected, the watershed is currently experiencing some degree of anthropogenic disturbances such as carabao logging, minor forest products gathering, and kaingin making or slash-and-burn farming. Fungal diversity research efforts need to be encouraged to evaluate the effects of these human disruptions on the ecology of the watershed.