HomeProgressio Journal on Human Developmentvol. 5 no. 1 (2011)

The Value of IELTS based Listening Intervention in Improving Aural Comprehension Skills of ESL Students

Pepito D. Sinodlay

Discipline: Languages



The four macro skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening are basic in teaching the English language. Ironically, most of the English materials available to Filipinos do not give serious attention to the listening skill and they hardly highlight the significance of developing this skill. Indeed, the missing link in English language learning. This article explores the value of the International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS) based listening modules as intervention tools in improving the aural comprehension skills of English learners3 It rests on an experimental schema of pre-test and post-test for nine sessions using two sets of respondents (first set with 25 and second set with 37). The respondents are freshmen coming from the maritime department and the business administration department of one private university in southern Philippines. Specifically, this study determines (1) if there is an improvement in the level of listening skill of the respondents after going through the IELTS modules and (2) if this particular level of improvement would be enough to prepare them for an advanced course in English language learning.