HomeArellano University Graduate School Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2015)

Raise the Red Flag, Fight and Survive the War – Struggle of a Positive Yuppie: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology

Mark Gil Quilantang De La Rosa

Discipline: Medicine



In this Hermeneutic (Interpretive) Phenomenology, the interpretive process scouted the intricate lived experience of the Young Urban Professionals (Yuppies) diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The main theme, “Raise the Red Flag, Fight and Survive the War – Struggle of a Positive Yuppie: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology” deciphers the phenomena and highlighted the experiences of those Yuppies with an incurable virus. The theme involves the interpretation of what and how this virus afflicts them. HIV (+) Yuppies are initially rendered speechless due to the trauma of learning that they acquire the virus and will suffer the consequence of it. A sense of loneliness and impending doom awaits them. They fight for survival, amid the noise and haste of day to day living. The virus itself limits productivity of these Yuppies preventing them from efficiently performing their tasks. The HIV (+) Yuppies ultimate goal is to survive the everyday challenges presented by the virus. The spark of hope never ceases to fade for them who are patiently waiting for a cure and courageously but carefully assessing the possible effect of stigma on them as persons.