HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 1 no. 1 (2011)

Perceptions of the Third Year Marketing Management Students of Letran Calamba on Advertisements with Subliminal Message

Galileo O. Usana | Francisco M. Bibal Jr. | Kenneth Marco H. Sumague

Discipline: Marketing



The general purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of the Third Year Marketing students of Letran Calamba on advertisements with subliminal message. It also aimed to identify the possible advantages and disadvantages of the topic as compared to the perceptions of the respondents. It also explored the relation of its impact to four persuasive steps or desired effects that a brand message might have on customers and prospects especially with their final action. These assumptions were explored in this research throughout the use of advertising in television.

This study used the qualitative research design using Focus Group Discussion and Content Analysis specifically. Focus Group Discussion is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertising, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in the interactive group setting

 where participants are free to talk with other group members.

In general, advertisements with subliminal message shown to the respondents were appealing and attractive. It showed that the messages were forwarded subliminally and effectively to the viewers with the use of its positive attributes and characteristics. With its attractiveness, advertisements with subliminal message were successful in doing its purpose and objective, that is, to get the attention and interest of the respondents, stimulate their desire, and suggest further action or purchase intent.

Findings revealed that in advertisements with subliminal message, there are short lines between the AIDA sequences of the hierarchy-of-effects model. The process from getting the attention of the viewers until their final action of purchasing is not a long process at all. A viewer of an advertisement with subliminal message may be persuaded promptly to buy the product viewed. Overall, there is a very good and positive reflection in the use of subliminal messaging in advertisements.

The study recommended that advertisers consider the effectiveness and efficient use of subliminal messages to make their products more appealing and to persuade viewers to actually purchase their products. They should also explore the arrays of subliminal messaging and maximize its potentials by finding new ways or innovations. Future researchers who want to conduct the same research should involve other sets of respondents and other advertisements with different categories. This could test the consistency of the effectiveness of subliminal messages and how it is perceived by other respondents.