HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

Relationship of Service Excellence with Work Commitment of Employees in Company XYZ

Joyce Guevarra | Allison Habacon | Coleen Thea Madayag



To increase employees’ commitment and dedication to work, organizations should provide awards that are fair and favorable for all the employees regardless of their job positions. To make this possible, employee involvement must be enhanced by getting their ideas in improving the reward system. This study determined the relationship between service excellence and work commitment of the employees in Company XYZ. Sixty-seven regular employees were surveyed and six participants as key informants were interviewed. The employees’ level of service excellence and work commitment were determined as well as the relationship of the two variables by using Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis. Results revealed that there was a significant relationship between service excellence and work commitment. Hence, it is very essential to acknowledge and reward employees for a job well done to increase their motivation and commitment in performing their duties and responsibilities as public servants.