HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

Developing a Quality Management System through Preventive Maintenance Service for Steel Fabrication Companies in Selected Areas in Laguna

Mark Joseph Pampolina | Jules Marvin Moreno | John Amiel Reyes



Preventive maintenance is a form of renovation performed to the machines and equipment to lessen the instances of not running properly. It is performed before an unexpected machine breakdown. Preventive maintenance is developed to increase uptime and decrease downtime of the company. It can remove unscheduled stops by means of retaining equipment in optimal working condition and optimizing issue existence cycle. With Kawabata Technology Inc. as the host company, the study focused on the steel fabricators company in selected areas in Laguna. The researchers observed and gathered data to accomplish their study. Preventive maintenance service is going to be applied to all of the machines in the company. It can avoid major breakdowns and minimize the possible cost.