HomeDLSU Engineering Journalvol. 18 no. 1 (2006)

Design, Fabrication, and Test of a Prototype Automated Tiling Machine for Granite and Marble

Cado Felicito B. Bernardino | Jasmin Lizette G. Go | Mark Wilson D. Manalili | Henzi Chester M. Palomares | Charles Tyrone J. Su | Alvin Y. Chua

Discipline: Engineering, Technology



This study presents the implementation of a prototype automated tiling machine for granite and marble geared towards providing a tiling equipment with increased efficiency for the local marble and granite industry. The design of the system consists of the mechanical, electronic and software components. The mechanical set-up utilizes a gear-rack assembly for the positioning of the cutting line, screw-type assembly coupled with a typical marble cutter for the cutting axis, a rack-screw type for up and down motion of the cutter and clamping, and a gear reduction rotating bed design for rotation of the material. The electronic component consists of stepper and DC motors, together with their corresponding interfacing devices, are connected to the mechanical parts and to the software component via the parallel port. The software component includes manipulation of AutoCAD drawings to G-code text files with a manipulation program that controls the movement of the automated machine. The results showed that combining the different components led to a workable automated tiling machine