HomeIAMURE International Journal of Educationvol. 8 no. 1 (2013)

Information and Communication Technology in Education Researches across Asian Countries

Helen B. Boholano | Gretchen M. Arcipe | Juri R. Judilla | Tiffany Ann A. Ruelan

Discipline: Education




The role of Information and Communication Technology in economic, social, and educational change in the 21st century must be studied within the broader context. This study investigated the emerging themes of researches on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education in Asia for the last five years (2008-2012). Data were gathered from the different international research journals and conferences. Descriptive method was used in the study with the randomly selected 75 researches per year across the 24 Asian countries. Three emerging themes were revealed in the study, namely: curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. Results showed that the prevailing theme for the last five years was pedagogy and that most research outputs were from Asian countries with a developing economic status. It was found out that collaborative researches were done within countries, Asian region and other regions throughout the world. ICT Education research had the theme which confirmed the distinct desires of the country to access quality education. Furthermore, the United Nations (2005) revealed the potential of ICT to expand access to quality education, to boost literacy, and to provide universal education in developing countries.