HomeIAMURE International Journal of Educationvol. 12 no. 1 (2014)

UNP-College Admission Test and Teaching Aptitude Test: Their Influence on the Academic Performance of Selected CTE Students

Jose P. Pichay

Discipline: Education



Education is an incessant and never-ending process. Cognizant of this all institutions of learning must strive to quality and excellence. The University of Northern Philippines is also very desirous in molding its graduates as effective development managers and useful citizens in the country. The vision and mission clearly articulate the preceding statement. The researcher advocates quality. He has the momentum to undertake researches which help address problems. He conducted a research in order to find out the influence of Admission Test and Aptitude on academic performance. With BSEd and BEEd as respondents, he utilized documentary analysis and descriptive research method. He used mean frequency count and percentages and the Multiple Regression Analysis. The UNP-CAT rating of BEEd is Satisfactory while their TAT is low passed. The BEEd has an Averaged performance in general and professional subjects. The UNP-CAT of BSEd is Satisfactory while their TAT is low passed. However, the performance of BSEd along professional subjects is Average and High Average in General education subjects. The TAT and UNP-CAT are related to academic performance at 0.05level of significance. It being so, the researcher recommends to other institutions to adopt mechanism to screen entrants in the education programs.