HomeThe Magusvol. 4 no. 1 (2012)

The Spiritual Wellbeing Among Cancer Survivors: A Journey Through A Valley Of Darkness

Marlene R. Padua | Remedios L. Fernandez

Discipline: Health, Religion



In this grounded study, the social process explored is the experience of attaining wellbeing among cancer survivors. The main theme, “The Spiritual Wellbeing among Cancer Survivors: A Journey through a Valley of Darkness” bespeaks of a spirit-centric transformation among cancer survivors. Their pain and suffering induced a striving for higher integration to find balance. Spirituality emerged as a significant aspect among the participants. Realizing their physical limitations and mortality, they looked up to their faith. Their spirits rise from their ailing bodies. Connecting to God for strength and healing was a necessity for them to find relief. Communing with God/ Higher Being made their spirits stronger and alive. Thus spirit driven, they strived and struggled for development to become whole and transcend to a new concept of wellbeing. The cancer survivors went beyond their pain and suffering for higher integration and transcendence.