HomeIAMURE International Journal of Social Sciencesvol. 2 no. 1 (2012)

Storytelling through Video: A Bilingual Approach in Teaching

Gaudencio M. Alaya-ay

Discipline: Social Science, Languages



This is an experimental study on the effect of storytelling through video and the lecture method in which both approaches used English and Maranao versions to the 100 Grade II pupils in Balo-I District, Lanao del Norte Division, Philippines, SY 2011-2012. The study utilized the two-group experimental design of research.The tool for teaching was the story entitled “The Greatest Treasure” which was adapted fromwww.bookbox.com (retrieved, 2011) and was translated to the Maranao version for the other group of respondents. A researcher made test in Maranao and English versions were used in comparing the effects of the bilingual approaches in teaching. The statistical tools used in analyzing the data were frequency count, mean, paired, and independent t-test. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents in the video group both in English and Maranao versions scored very high in the post tests compared to the traditional lecture method. These implied that there were significant differences in academic achievements of video and lecture groups inMaranao and English versions. It was concluded that pupils can comprehend well if storytelling will be done using the latest technology and if also presented both in English and in their own native language or mother tongue. Conclusively, the use of video technology is effective in story telling as an innovative strategy in teaching.