HomeUERMMMC Journal of Health Sciencesvol. 10 no. 1 (2007)

Interpersonal Relationship Competencies of Health Care Providers as Motivator to Compliance of Patients to DOTS

Janelle P. Castro



Aims: To explore on possibilities that some form of stimuli (competencies of health care providers) can affect the attitude (compliance) of persons to DOTS treatment.


Methods: This qualitative study evaluated the factors that affect patients' compliance through focus group discussion and key informant interviews. The sample consisted of six (6) barangay health workers and six (6) DOTS patients. Cluster analysis was done in determining IPR-related factors that had affected compliance.


Results: The findings were clustered into different themes such as a) socio-demographic characteristics and its influence of IPR competency; b) IPR competencies as predictors of compliance; and c) Indicators of patients' compliance. Patients who were compliant correlated their motivation with the social support that they obtain from n outer circle other than their family, which were the BHWs.


Conclusion: the interpersonal relationship competencies displayed by the health care provider helped in the motivation of patients to comply with their medication regimen.