HomeISU-Cabagan Journal of Researchvol. 19 no. 2 (2010)

Yield Evaluation of Cassava as Influenced by Months of Planting in Dry and Wet Season

Francisco C. Taguiam | Milagros T. Bucag | Leticia S. Tabangin | Elpidio U. Daoang

Discipline: Education, Agriculture, Research



The study was designed to determine cultivars adapted for dry and wet season months; to identify varieties/lines/accessions that show yield stability across planting months and seasons; to determine productive and less productive planting months; and determine production cost and economic analysis per unit area and months of planting. KU-50 a white flesh accession and use for industrial purposes planted in the month of January-February, and March-April registered in descending order average yield of 24.31 and 24.09 tons/ha, CG95-02-04 white flesh and industrial purpose type planted in January-February with 23.24 tons/ha; Golden Yellow a yellow flesh and all-purpose type planted November-December with 22.24 tons/ha; Lakan 1 a yellow flesh all-purpose type planted in the month of March-April gave an average yield of 19.78 tons/ha was insignificant with CG95-02-04 planted in November-December of 19.95 tons/ha. CG91-14-01 a white flesh and industrial type accession planted November-December yielded significantly with 18,25 tons/ha Statistical analysis generally revealed significant differences at α =0.01 in root yield levels between Dry Season (November-April) with yield ranging from 9.53-24.32 tons/ha and Wet Season (May-October) with lower yields of 1.43-8.38 tons/ha.