HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Power Usage of PCs and Monitors: Inputs to Power Management Planning and Policy Formulation

Ricardo P. Torio

Discipline: Computer Science, Information Technology



The country bid to promote the use of energy. Efficient equipment, appliances and machines were enforced by the Department of Energy to disseminate information on its benefits. Energy saving policies are also being implemented by different private and government agencies due to the continuous increase in oil prices. Retrofitting of inefficient lighting fixtures with more efficient ones, power factor corrections and other steps were being done for energy savings. But several buildings and establishments use computers for educational purposes and other for technical applications. Seeing the bulk of the number of computers being used, power management for the usage of computers would definitely help in saving energy. Presently, TIP Manila both in Arlegui and Casal campuses house several computer laboratories that houses thirty units of computers or more per room. Different offices also use computers for different applications.

This study was conducted to analyze the current and potential savings through power management of personal computers on both campuses. The study used the power analyzer to indicate the power ratings of Personal Computers (PCs) during the four modes of operation such as start-up, idle, monitor off and standby mode. The PCs and monitors were monitored in terms of usage and present cost of electricity. Also a survey was done to determine the knowledge of the users in terms of power; the time of usage per day or per week per user; and to determine the level of awareness of TIP Manila employees in power management options of computers.