HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Development of a Proposed Syllabus for English 113

Claudio V. Tabotabo | Ronan S. Estoque

Discipline: Education, Languages



There are mountains of literature about the dying passion of the Filipinos toward English. Some papers affirmed in a very simple word that Filipinos are poor in English. Being poor in English directed the idea of holding a research.

This study is part of the continuing search for a better teaching methodology of the subject English 113 or Communication Arts 1, which contents are listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Generally, the study tried to assess the existing syllabus of English 113 as basis for revisions and eventually proposing a new syllabus with ICT integration. Specifically, it also endeavored to evaluate the contents of the syllabus particularly the objectives, activities, topic covered and particular rules in grammar included; conform to the content of the subject; to recommend the teaching approach of the teachers; and to determine if integrating ICT or Information and Communications Technology in the curriculum is possible.

To gather data, the study used survey method since it is a descriptive method of research and interview and actual conference with faculty members teaching English. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data of the study.