HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

The Effect of E-Learning on the Skills and Attitudes of Students

Jonathan M. Caballero

Discipline: Education, Information Technology, Computer Technology



This study was undertaken in order to seek what the impact of e-learning is on the skills and attitudes of the students.

Pearson product moment correlation was used in order to give meaning to the data gathered from 50 respondents, male and female, from different programs and year levels in the College of ITE.

Findings showed that the correlation between the number of friends and study habits on the female respondents is –0.82664. There was also a weak negative correlation between e-learning approach to lesson realization for both male and female respondents. Female has -0.59063 while male has –0.75388. The result implied that though the students liked e-learning it meant that it was not the only factor that made the students realize the lesson fast.

E-learning played a part in the development of skills of the students specially when it comes to realization and application. The application was actually not a part of e-learning module most of the time for it was only the lesson simulation that was normally included, therefore formal application which mattered to the students was still being performed by the teachers. In accordance with the evaluation and correlation result, realization came after the application.

The general conclusion was that e-learning effect was minimal on some factors, represented as weak negative association to little or no association. This showed that performance of the students as far as attitude is concerned was considered with slight association to the factor that some students do not like long reading when using the computer.