HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Effectiveness of English 113 Course Syllabus

Claudio V. Tabotabo | Ronan S. Estoque

Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching



This research is an experimental study aimed to compare the existing and proposed syllabi for English 113. Specifically, it tried to determine whether the proposed syllabus made a significant improvement on the students’ English proficiency as shown in the posttest.  It determined the level of the ICT or Information and Communications Technology integration to improve students’ proficiency level and it tried to know whether the proposed syllabus form students’ reading habit.

There were two sets of syllabi that were subjected to two sets of students in a semester.  Pretest and posttest were conducted. Students enrolled in English 113 were selected as samples of the study. Two sections handled by the researchers functioned as controlled and experimental groups respectively. One section followed the old syllabus and the other followed the proposed one. Both the controlled and experimental groups were subjected to pretest and posttest.