HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Educational Policies of Mandated Courses: Rationalizing Their Inclusion in the General Education Curriculum

Ronald M. Corpuz

Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching



This study endeavored to rationalize the inclusion of mandated courses in the general education curriculum by soliciting the perception of the student-respondents on the relevance of two mandated subjects to the needs of the learners. Primarily, it sought to determine the level of compliance of TIP to the goals of mandated courses in the General Education curriculum, responsiveness of mandated courses in attaining the objectives of General Education as specified in the Education Act of 1982, responsiveness of mandated courses in addressing the constitutional objectives of education, strengths and weaknesses of mandated courses and the perceived problems that affect the relevance of mandated courses.

Descriptive method of research was used in this study. Documentary analysis, SWOT analysis and survey method were employed to answer the problems of the study.