HomePhilippiniana Sacravol. 46 no. 136 (2011)

Discurso En La Apertura Anual De Los Estudios De La Universidad De Manila El 3 De Julio De 1871

Miguel Narro | Belen Tangco



Belen Lorezca-Tangco, O.P. 


The inaugural lecture, “On the Importance of the Study of the Sciences to Improve Society and on their Immense Benefits for Societies,” was delivered by the Rev. Fr. Miguel Narro, O.P., Professor, University of Manila, on July 3, 1871. It was printed by the Colegio de Santo Tomas Printing Press, Manila in 1871. The distinguished lecturer expressed his gladness to be in the illustrious assembly on the occasion of a popular and prestigious competition. He points out the sweet satisfaction over the rich harvests in the science of agriculture, and is sustained by the hope for more harvests. The seed of intelligence has been cultivated in the Bachelor of Arts programs, nourished and made applicable. The grounds have been grateful with fertility, giving way to noble existence. Father Narro underscores the trust given him by the assembly to contribute to the luster of the event by speaking on the importance of the sciences to improve society and their immense benefits for communities.