HomeBANWAvol. 6 no. 2 (2009)

Improving Postharvest Cabbage (Brassica oleraceaL. var. capitata) Quality Using Alum and Newspaper Wrap

Emma Ruth V. Bayogan | Erlinda F. Jimenez | Joe D. Boteng | Ofelia K. Bautista | Carmelita B. Macario



Three handling experiments with 4 treatments each (i.e., control,newspaper wrap, alum, alum with newspaper wrap) were conducted to verify the benefits of alum spray and newspaper wrapping in reducing soft rot incidence in cabbage (cv. Rareball). The cabbages were packed in polyethylene bags andtransported from the trading post in La Trinidad, Benguet (in Northern Luzon)to Los Baños, Laguna (in Southern Luzon). In experiment A, the lowest softrot infection upon arrival and opening of the bags was noted in heads prayedwith a single application of 15% alum and then wrapped with newspaper. Thesame trend was shown in experiments B and C. Alum sprayed singly resultedin slightly greater disease than when alum spray was followed by newspaperwrapping. Disease incidence, however, was lesser relative to the control headsand those which were wrapped with newspaper without alum spray. Diseasereduction was more evident in the applied part (i.e., the butt end) comparedto the head portion of the cabbage. Both alum spray and newspaper wrappingreduced disease incidence, the latter providing a drier condition for the cabbageduring transport. Mechanical damage was least in the cabbages either wrappedin newspaper or treated with alum initially prior to wrapping. Sorting a dayafter removing the cabbages from the polyethylene bags can further reducedisease incidence. Alum and newspaper are readily available local materials.In decreasing the incidence of soft rot infection in cabbages, the commoditymaintains the consistency of its quality and, thus, its acceptability in themarket.