HomeResearch Journal College of Engineering JBLFMU-Molovol. 3 no. 1 (2010)

Attitude towards Mathematics among Special Program Students

Michelle Cris P. Amor | John Paul M. Batallones | John Paul S. Fillogan | John Paul Fagtanac | Alex Gerald S. Monserate | Ariel J. Plana | Guillermo C. Suarez | Gilbert Vicencio | Anthony T. Chua | Gether G. Opinion



The purpose of this study was to determine the level of attitude towards mathematics among special program students of JBLCF-Molo, Iloilo. The data of this descriptive research were gathered using the data gathering instrument entitled “Attitude towards Mathematics Rating Scale” modified by the researchers. The respondents of this study were the 60 randomly selected students of the special program. Descriptive statistics employed were the means, frequency count, and percentage. No inferential statistics was used in this study. The findings revealed that the attitude towards mathematics among special students was “positive.”