HomeThe Trinitian Researchervol. 3 no. 1 (2010)

Phenomenology of Mathematics Teaching


Discipline: Education



This is a phenomenological study on the experiences of Mathematics teachers inside the classroom. Four Mathematics teachers from a private high school in Quezon City were the co-researchers. The teachers shared their significant experiences in teaching Mathematics to high school students.


Reflection of the stories reveals that to reduce the anxiety of the students toward Mathematics, teachers need to build a ‘sense of connectedness’ with their students to develop a positive relationship and motivate students to learn. The stories further reveal that a positive relationship is not enough to bring about meaningful learning; the teachers must also utilize strategies that sustain learning in a supportive environment.


In synthesizing the insights, the study showed that teaching Mathematics can be compared to dancing. Like the lead dancers, the teachers guide the students, their partners, in the teaching-learning process until thestudents learn the lesson.