HomeThe Confluencevol. 7 no. 2 (2016)

Comparative Study of Handling Exception in C++, C#, Objective-C, and Java Programming Languages

Harold Patricio A. Lamostre

Discipline: Computer Science, Information Technology



With the fast-pacing technology specifically in software development industry, more people wanted to learn programming languages. Nowadays, there are hundreds of programming languages available to choose from, only few of them can be comparatively applied. Programmers tend to overlook the validation of end-user input of the application which is one of the critical security issues and how the programmers are currently using the exception handling or the industries best practices. Exception handlers of some programming language are not specialized for allowing recovery. Most of programmers’ approach is through logs, user notifications, and application termination.

In this research, the handling exceptions mechanism of the programming language was compared. There are four most popular programming languages C++, C#, Objective-C and Java are chosen to be the objects of the study. The only different in this study is that Objective-C is designed specifically for mobile application in Apple products. Other three languages are for desktop, web and mobile. The exception hierarchy of these four programming languages were compared with each other including the throwable exceptions and summarized. To know the differences in terms of handling exception mechanism of the four programming languages, a collection will be conducted through exploratory of each programming languages.