HomeThe Trinitian Researchervol. 4 no. 1 (2012)

Technology-Driven Instruction in the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry

Ramon Benedicto N. Marcelino | Jean I. Maglaque

Discipline: Education



Teachers are expected to help students solve complex problems that require knowledge necessary across many subject areas. They are also expected to meet the needs of their students and thereby enable them to maximize their individual potentials. Thus, teachers should be prepared to meet the challenges of integrating technology into their teaching methodology. This paper presents how technology-driven instruction is utilized to enhance the teaching and learning of chemistry. In particular, it examines the teachers’ and students’ attitudes on its use. It also looks into the pedagogical practices of teachers relative to the utilization of the new method and how students observe such practices in the classroom. Moreover, the paper presents the competency level of chemistry teachers and students in the use of instructional technology as well as the professional competencies of chemistry teachers. Results of the study show that teachers and students strongly agree on the importance of the use of instructional technology. Both agree that they are afraid to use new technology though they have high level of enjoyment and strong motivation in using it. Thus, teachers and students positively view the use of instructional technology in enhancing the teaching and learning of chemistry. Because of this, it is recommended that more trainings be provided for teachers to alleviate their fears by increasing their technological literacy.