HomeIAMURE International Journal of Business and Managementvol. 13 no. 1 (2016)

Scanning Changes in Organizational Culture and Leadership: The Founder and Corporate Executive Officer’s Lived Experiences in a Multicultural Environment

Viraj Shah | Pooja Shah | Hind Alawadhi | Ali Sharif | Nadia Al Arif



Today, organizational culture and leadership are two topics that are interrelated and hold a very significant place in the heart of any organization’s management of employees. This research has been conducted through a global company headquartered in India, being ranked among the top diamond and jewelry manufacturing and trading companies. Tis paper aims to look into the working pattern of the selected organization, the organizational changes that the newer generation has brought in, the changes in working patterns, and the dominant feature of the organizational approach towards organizational growth. Moreover, the paper used descriptive, case study method through primary data. Unstructured interviews with the founder and Corporate Executive Officer was considered to gather the necessary information on their lived experiences. As a result, the study highlights the components of the company’s culture such as innovation and risk taking, aggressiveness and people orientation. Positive changes in the company’s earlier working pattern have proven to be very effective to the productivity of employees. Also, as part of the result, the third generation, which brought in an organized and re-engineered working pattern has been able to structure the company in a very short span of time; to be very profitable and enable successful global expansion.