HomeIAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservationvol. 20 no. 1 (2016)

Identification of Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Taro (Colocasia spp.) and Abaca (Musa textilis Nee) in the Experimental Area of National Abaca Research Center, Visayas State University

Esmer V. Avelino | Leslie T. Ubaub



The study was conducted to examine aphids collected on taro and abaca in the National Abaca Research Center’s experimental area and to establish the species of the aphids using its morphological and biological characteristics. Morphological and biological characteristics revealed that the two aphids were different species. Aphids collected and reared on abaca was Pentalonia nigronervosa (Banana aphids) and the aphids on taro were Aphis gossypii (Melon aphids). Te frontal tubercles of A. gossypii were not distinct, the cornicles and cauda are dark. Compared to the siphunculi the cauda were distinctively paler or dusky while P. nigronervosa has a pale-dusky and cylindrical siphunculi and the antennae are pale except for dark base and apex. Both Aphids produced live young called nymphs which underwent four (4) nymphal instars. Te developmental period of aphids from two different hosts varies with each other. Te duration of nymphal instars reared on abaca ranged from 13-21 days whereas aphids on taro ranged from 7-8 days. Similarly, each instar nymph of P. nigronervosa took longer to complete compared to A. gossypii. P. nigronervosa produced fewer offspring with a mean of 6.3±1.16 days compared to A. gossypii with a mean of 21.5±10.255 days.