HomeQSU-CTE Journal of Educational Practices and Standardsvol. 1 no. 2 (2016)


Cynthia Grace T. Valdez | Jenalyn M. Sarmiento | Nelson D. Guray



The study was conducted to assess the personality inventory and behavioral difficulties of students with absent OFW parent(s) of Quirino State University-Main Campus using the standardized Personality Inventory for the Youth (PIY) test in selected domains. Data were analyzed and interpreted using frequency counts, means, percentages, and ANOVA. Results show that most of the respondents are 16 years old, female, enrolled in the AIT/AOA program, and belong to a mother-absent family. In general, respondents across all ages, sex, course, and parent(s) working abroad, had no distressing experiences in the different domains: Cognitive Impairment (COG), Family dysfunctions (FAM), Psychological Discomforts (DIS), and Social Withdrawal (WDL). Significant difference is observed along age of respondents and family dysfunction specifically parent maladjustment, and; age of respondents and psychological discomforts specifically depression and sleep disturbance. There is a significant difference along parent working abroad and poor achievement and memory, sleep disturbance, and social withdrawal particularly social introversion, and isolation. As an output of this research, a proposed Counseling Intervention Program was made to address the needs of QSU adolescents with absent OFW parent(s).