HomeARETEvol. 5 no. 1 (2017)

Understanding the Laity’s Human Formation in Karol Jozef Wojtyla’s Theory of Personalism

Rusty S. Corsame | Asisclo Iii M. Abonado | Raymundo R. Pavo

Discipline: Philosophy



Moral action is the one that could define human person or the core of human existence. Acting together with others is definitive tool to transcend other’s humanity. The researcher’s exertion explored the philosophy of Karol Wojtyla’s “The Acting” person particularly the theory of Personalism. It focuses on the study of Wojtyla’s phenomenological concept of the acting person which implies that man must ceaselessly unravel his mysteries and strive for a new and more mature expression of his nature. Thus, this research work was composed of three significant parts: First, the exposition of the concept of Laity’s human formation according to the Church. Second, is the exposition of the Concept of Karol Wojtyla on Personalism. Third is the integration of Personalism to the Laity’s Human Formation. In understanding each concept, it implies the methodology of Phenomenological Hermeneutics in order to grasp the details of this study and shape the idea from Wojtyla’s theory of Personalism to the Laity’s Human Formation. The integration of Personalism begins in understanding the concepts and framework of the Laity belong in the Roman Catholic Church. Starting with the Laity’s Vocation, being called directly by God independent from the hierarchy but interrelated in serving the entire Church of God. To actualize their calling, they need to participate in the apostolate present in the particular ministries of the Church. They are to work in cooperation with the hierarchy and at the same working on the development of themselves by means of experience. Hence, all of these are done to humanize human person.