HomeIAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservationvol. 24 no. 1 (2018)

Shallow Water Seagrass Pastures of Sagay Marine Reserve, Philippines; E. Acoroides Species in Declining Status

Jocelyn D Bantigue



Fishery productivity depletion was influenced by the degradation of our major coastal and marine ecosystems. Seagrass assessment was conducted from January – June 2017 to determine its status, diversity, and abundance and fishery productivity. The study adopted the field sampling design using McKenzie (2003) model and the sampling scheme of English, Wilkinson, & Baker, 1997). It was observed that multispecies seagrass communities were abundant in an area with massive seagrass condition and status while bino-specific (Thallasia-Cymodocea) seagrass meadows in an area with the sparse cover was observed. There are eleven (11) species belonging to two (2) families present. Generally, the seagrass bed is considered as slightly disturbed bed as represented by its cover per square meter. The shallow water seagrass areas received a constant impact of human activities such as a slight to moderate disturbance caused by excessive gleaning activities, beach seining, boat anchors, and waste deposition from the mainland.