This research paper aims to analyze the impact of the usage of the Learning Management System which is Edmodo in the teaching-learning process of the I.T. Department Professors in the College of Arts and Sciences of San Beda University. The goal of the paper is to capture feedback from the professors on their experiences and use of Edmodo in their teaching profession. This paper is an evaluation of the five-year usage from academic year 2014 to 2018 as the university is transitioning to NEO LMS beginning in academic year 2018-2019. The participants of the research include 7 full-time faculty members with teaching experience from 5 years to 25 years. The paper analyzes in detail the most reported tool used in Edmodo such as posting notes or announcements, assignments, quizzes, exams, sharing of documents, grading, forums and feedback to students. It also evaluates the LMS Performance according to the following criteria: stability, reliability, usability, appearance and speed.