HomeFEU Communication Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2008)

Click: Literature Conspiring with Media and Technology

Lourdes D. Ignacio



RICHARD BARSAM (2004) in his book Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film once said that, “Movies can move seamlessly from one space to another or make a space move or fragment time in many ways” (p. 2). We do know that movie technology gives us this virtual experience of moving from one scene to another and from one time to another. But, then, it is not only film technology can make us experience this “pseudo supernatural” spatial movement; there is also a non-cinematic element that conspires with movie technology to enable film viewers to enjoy that experience. This review explains how literature, through foreshadowing, and film make good allies in the conspiracy of movement in the life of an ambitious man.