HomeAsian Journal of Biodiversityvol. 2 no. 1 (2011)

Some Medicinal Bryophytes Species, their Ethnobotanical Uses, and Morphological Adaptations in Bukidnon Natural Parks, Philippines: A Literature Review

Andrea G. Azuelo | Lalaine G. Sariana | Melanie P. Pabualan

Discipline: Morphology



Medicinal bryophytes and their morphology features and ethnic uses was examined and documented. Field collections of bryophytes were made through transect walks or floristic survey along the two mountain sites of Bukidnon, namely: Mt. Kalatungan and Mt. Kitanglad. The number of taxa currently determined with medicinal properties was based from the collected species. The species with medicinal uses was generated from a pool of resources, literature review and scientific journals. Description on their morphology characters was made using microscopy examinations. Taxonomic treatment include leaf orientation, stem structure, sporophyte characters and their habit were used to identify into families, genera and species. Species composition between study sites was also compared. Visual habitat as to substrate preference and identification for each species was employed.


Results of the study highlights the difference in the morphological features among species of medicinal bryophytes, their ethnic uses, and adaptations within the forested area. Results showed that Mt. Kitanglad exhibited a total of seventeen (17) species of medicinal bryophytes. Of these, eleven (11) are mosses belonging to seven (7) families in eleven (11) genera and six (6) liverworts belonging to five (5) families in six (6) genera; while Mt. Kalatungan exhibited a total of fourteen (14) species of medicinal bryophytes. Of these, eight (8) are mosses belonging to six (6) families in eight (8) genera and six (6) liverworts belonging to five (5) families in six (6) genera. The moss species with medicinal properties belongs to the genus Sphagnum, Polytrichum, Rhodobryum, Fissidens, Bryum, Mnium, Dawsonia, Philonotis, Pogonatum, Barbula and Plagiomnium. The liverworts species include Marchantia, Pallavicinia, Herbertus, Riccardia, Dumortiera and Plagiochila. The species under study exhibited antimicrobial activity, anti-tumor, anticancer, antileukemic activity and healing effects based from documented analysis.


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9 months ago

Bryophyte ethnobotany