HomeMST Reviewvol. 21 no. 2 (2019)

Amplifying Laudato Si’ With the Science of Epigenetics

Ferdinand D. Dagmang



This paper illustrates how a trans-disciplinary research may broaden the thought horizons of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’. Judging from the way epigenetics has challenged the long-standing assumptions held by genetics and the medical sciences, this article will show that the findings of epigenetics have important implications for the way environmental ethics (including bioethical principles) and the language of sustainable development will be formulated in the coming years. Epigenetics showing the effects of environmental impingements on humans, especially on the middle-class/wealthy, provides some evidences that we may have to surrender our central position in the ecosystem because to give due admiration and respect to the ecosystem is really for the benefit of humans and not just of the planet. As it also expands judgment, the science of epigenetics could make us more aware of the limits of development branded as Sustainable.