HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journalvol. 7 no. 1 (2020)

Effects of Convergent Learning and Divergent Learning Strategies on Students’ Academic Performance in Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting in Nigeria

Adeola Kiadese

Discipline: Business



The study examined the effects of convergent learning and divergent learning strategies on students’ academic performance in Financial accounting in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Three senior secondary schools in Abeokuta metropolis were randomly chosen and intact Financial accounting class of senior secondary school two in each of the chosen schools was selected for the study. Students’ in the first and second schools were taught and assessed using convergent learning and divergent learning strategies respectively. In addition, students’ in the third school were taught and assessed using conventional teaching method. The researchers’ designed Financial accounting performance test 1 (BPT 1) and financial accounting performance Test 2 (BPT 2) with Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.85 (Pre-test) and 0.88 (Post-test) were used to obtain data for the study. The data collected were analysed using Analysis of Convariance (ANCOVA). Findings revealed that there is significant effect of convergent and divergent learning strategies on secondary school student’s performance in financial accounting. In addition, there is no significant effect of convergent and divergent learning strategies on secondary school students’ performance in Financial accounting based on gender and there is no significant interactive effect of gender and learning strategies on secondary school students’ performance in Financial accounting. It was recommended that Financial accounting teachers should make use of both the convergent and divergent leaning strategies during their lessons and Financial accounting students should be encouraged to serve as a tutor to teach their colleagues’ , which is one of basis for divergent learning strategy.