Assessing the Annual Spiritual Retreat of a Catholic Higher Education Institution in Isabela

Madeilyn B Estacio | Ronald B Lapuz

Discipline: Religion



Integration of spiritual and academic development on Catholic Higher Education Institution may be explored through the students’ experience of academic retreats. Through retreats, students get the chance to experience various activities that promote the development of personal spirituality or faith, build a community of faith, or learn to foster faith in others. This study evaluated the annual spiritual retreat for graduating students using a survey design. The results showed that in terms of retreat objectives, learning experiences and activities, facilitator’s competence, and students’ participation, all items got the participants’ strong agreement. However, the items on food/venue/accommodation got the lowest mean response compared to the elements evaluated. Specifically, food quality and variety got the lowest mean response. The results of the study have a significant contribution to the Campus Ministry Office and the Religious Education Department of the university. Components of the retreat evaluated with the lowest mean responses may be considered in planning and designing a more meaningful and effective retreat. The qualitative feedbacks of the retreatants may be used in the improvement of the program.