HomeIAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservationvol. 31 no. 1 (2020)

Rationalizing the Extension Programs of Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology




Extension Department has a vital role in extending the programs to the community. Specifically, this study aimed to rationalize the extension programs of the Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology based on the level of awareness, level of participation and level of satisfaction among the beneficiaries on the implementation of Extension Programs. The study utilized the structured questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument, interview, and focus group discussions (FGD). The results of the study showed that most of the beneficiaries perceived that the level of awareness in Information and communication services has the highest average mean value of 3.13 described as Moderately aware. The majority of the beneficiaries perceived that the level of participation in Information and communication services recorded the highest average mean value of 2.78 described as Slight participation. Most of the beneficiaries perceived that the level of satisfaction in Information and communication services has the highest average mean value of 2.86 described as Moderately satisfied. Based on the Vol. 31 · March 2020 Print ISSN 2244-1573 · Online ISSN 2244-1581 International Peer Reviewed Journal Journal Metrics: H Index = 2 from Publish or Perish This journal is included in Thomson Reuters Journal Masterlist Published by IAMURE Multidisciplinary Research, an ISO 9001:2008 certified by the AJA Registrars Inc. conclusions, the Extension Department should initiate a method to encourage, motivate and increase the level of awareness, level of participation and the level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries particularly on those program services that were rated low. The Extension Department should innovate and transform more meaningful strategies for better implementation of the program services.