HomeThe Paulinian Compassvol. 3 no. 4 (2015)

Unfolding the untold legacy of Paulinian leadership in nursing

Encarnacion A. Dychangco



The main purpose of the study was to unfold the legacies, specifically the Paulinian leadership in nursing education and administration, as experienced by purposively sampled SPC nurse-leaders the stories shared by the SPC nurse-leaders allowed the researcher to come up with the essence of Paulinian leadership in nursing. The research used three approaches to unfold the legacies of the SPC nurse leaders emanating from narrative research approach to descriptive phenomenology to otologic research approach. The ―lived experiences‖ of the SPC nurse-leaders were the main source of information. Purposive sampling was utilized in choosing the SPC nurse-leaders. Another group called the ―other voices‖ were interviewed to add credence to the stories of the SPC nurse-leaders. Use of casual conversation was done to gather the stories. Taken collectively, the SPC nurse leaders reflect common threads in their leadership. These are spiritual leadership, total obedience to the superior and Congregation, leadership excellence, and other-centered leadership.