HomeThe Paulinian Compassvol. 4 no. 4 (2018)

Cultural Resonance behind the Leadership of Parent-Leaders and Their Priest-Sons in the Diocese of Maasin, Leyte, Philippines

Clive Alvyn Ocon



This study explored the experiences of and the dynamics between educators and pastors in a school environment that are likely to reinforce leadership development in contexts where both lay people and religious ministers play critical roles as teachers and administrators. The center of inquiry of this phenomenological study is built around the resonances of cultures of leadership between the parent-leaders and their son-priests in the home, social, and professional environments. This is to understand deeply the leadership of the son-priests as results of their parent-leaders’ influence and vice versa. Through in-depth interviews with selected five parent leaders and their son-priests from Maasin, Leyte, the study found thematic resonances that were put together to form a model of leadership involving cultural resonance.