HomeInterdisciplinary Research Journalvol. 10 no. 1 (2019)

Determination of the Fatty Acid Composition of the Dasyatis sephen (F.) Liver Oil Captured from Cost of Jaffna Sri Lanka




The liver oil from the cartilaginous fish was highly composed of poly- and highly unsaturated fatty acids. Extraction of oil from the Dasyatis sephen liver is simple and cheap. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate proximate Lipid Profile composition and physicochemical properties of Dasyatis sephen liver oil. Gas-Liquid Chromatography method (GLC) was used to determine the Lipid Fatty acids profiles. The average Lipid level of Dasyatis sephen liver oil was found to be 69.54 % (w/w), greater than that from the D. pastinaca (58.27%) and D. violacea (57.33%). Crude liver lipid content was of were highly significant. The total SFA percentages was 44.2% and the predominant was C16 (palmitic acid) about 35.0%. Surprisingly, unsaturated fatty acids profiles of 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 exhibited as 0.5 % and 0.6 %. Physio-chemical properties such as moisture content, color, specific gravity, peroxide value, and fatty acid compositions were obtained under the tolerable standard. It demonstrated one of the locally available resources currently being wasted has the potential to use in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.