HomeANTORCHAvol. 7 no. 1 (2022)


Lysa Bonna Pia S. Dolatre | Lyn Carmela M. Enrile | Cline Aaron Angel M. Cristobal | Mark Joseph S.A. Eje | Adorita C. De Jose



Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa L.) tree was observed to be herbal tree inside the Philippines as well as in India, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia. Banaba leaf tea is usually used as medicinal drinks which are known for its blood-sugar lowering mainly its efficiency in curing diabetes, and antioxidant. It is simply by using their leaves extracted with hot water. Although in locals, the Banaba leaves are used to treat diabetes and are taken as a medicine. On the quest for creating new product of local milk-tea, the studies include the physico-chemical analysis, its sensory evaluation, antioxidant potential. Analyzing the formulated milk tea with the commercial milk tea as controlled, with codes of 863 and 924, respectively, the appearance of the showed little difference of mean scores. In its aroma, given 924 as more acceptable while the color, taste, flavor and its overall acceptability shows 863 is higher. In the t-test; appearance, aroma, and color with P value of 0.89585, 0.257584, 0.49589 respectively, showed no significance while the taste, flavor and overall acceptability with 0.01448. 0.007409, 0.00347 respectively, showed significance between the two products. In the DPPH Assay, ascorbic acid as positive control in its absorbance has continuously decreasing compared to the sample that has retained in constant with less increase and decrease of absorbance. The scavenging activity between two sample as ascorbic acid its positive control has significantly in an increase in concentrations while the sample became as well in constant or no significant differences with an increase of dilution. In conclusion, the Banaba milk tea can potentially be considered for its sensory traits and its antioxidant activity.