HomeLPU-Laguna Journal of Engineering and Computer Studiesvol. 4 no. 3 (2020)

Design and Implementation of Automated Waste Segregator with Smart Compression

John Paul S. Endaya | Ferdinand Jr. S. Mabitasan | Jonela Cyvel Mae Gonzales



This study entitled "Design and Implementation of Automated Trash Bin with Smart Compression" aims to design and implement an efficient system that will help to properly segregate wastes. Two Arduino Uno are interconnected to each other along with the all the components needed to achieve the desired output. Push buttons are used to determine what kind of waste is going to be disposed. LEDs was used to indicate if the input is correct. The Stepper Motor is responsible for the rotation of the trash bins that are attached on a circular metal plate. Ultrasonic sensor was used to determine if paper or plastic bins are needed to be compressed. Compression was made possible using Linear Actuator leading to a maximized space for the trash bin. LEDs will also serve as indicator the bins are already full. It will help the Local Government Units and the community in obtaining a greener environment and aiding the problem on solid waste management in this country.

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