HomeUniversitasvol. 9 no. 2 (2021)

Attitude and Help-Seeking Behavior of Gen Z towards Mental Health: An Assessment

Jelcy Mae G. Vejano | Hannah Irish S. Ibarondo | Patricia Kyle M. Diaz | Angelica Joyce S. Barcos



Approximately 800,000 people are dying due to suicide and it is known as the third leading cause of death in people ages 15 to 19 years old (WHO, 2019). In line with this, this study aimed to explore the attitude and help-seeking behavior of 150 students aged sixteen (16) to eighteen (18), who belong to Generation Z regarding mental health. Research design utilized was mixed methods, specifically, explanatory sequential. Results have shown that respondents somewhat accept authoritarianism, moderately accept benevolence, fairly accept social restrictiveness and moderately accept community mental health ideology. Respondents have high intention to seek help in terms of Psychological Concerns and Interpersonal Concerns, Academic Problems, Drug/Alcohol Problems, and Weight Control. The attitude of the respondents does not differ in age, sex, religion, grade level, people living with, and ordinal position. The help-seeking behavior of Gen Z towards mental health differs on sex in terms of Psychological Concerns and Interpersonal Concerns, and Academic Problems. The result of the study shows that there is a relationship between attitude and help-seeking behavior towards mental health; however, it is classified as a very weak correlation. Establishing a proper belief and practice towards mental health holistically is important. The eidetic insight derived from the themes is “Holistic Reinforcement- Self as a Present,” which is the basis of the mental health promotion program designed for senior high school students.