HomeAraneta Research Journal (Indagatio)vol. 43 no. 1 (2021)

Catholicity of Teachers in a Catholic University

Oliver Yalung



The purpose of the study is to assess the Catholicity of the teachers from the elementary, high school, college level, and graduate school level using a modified survey instrument based on the rubrics developed by the Diocese of Phoenix for Catholic Schools, anchored on the six essential marks of a Catholic School as the defining characteristics of Catholic Schools. These elements which flow directly from the Holy See’s teaching on Catholic schools as compiled by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, and from statements by Pope Benedict XVI and the American bishops. The research used a descriptive-quantitative method. It studied the survey responses of the faculty members of a Catholic university about their level of Catholicity determined by their catholicity scores. Catholicity scores were established based on credible Catholic characteristics. Test of difference between the respondents’ profile and their Catholicity scores were processed using appropriate statistical method (t-Test). The modified survey instrument used in the study containing 47 items questionnaire was subjected to content and face validation by experts in the field of Theology and research. Cleaning and validation procedures were carried out to ensure the reliability and validity of the data. The total number of respondents tallied to 121 teachers. Results and findings of this study generally reflect the high level of Catholicity of the faculty members in a Catholic university. It also concluded that there is no significant difference between the age and sex of the respondents to their Catholicity.