HomeUniversal Journal of Educational Researchvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

The Gap Between Comprehension Level and Problem-Solving Skills in Learning Mathematics

Maximo V. Hijada Jr. | Melodina L. Dela Cruz



This study was conducted to determine the degree of relationship that exists between learners’ level of comprehension and solving skills on mathematical word problems of grades four to six learners in Kang–iras Elementary School. It attempted to establish a relationship between the learners’ level of comprehension and solving skills. This research study employed the correlational method of research. This research design is appropriate for this research because its primary purpose is to determine the degree of the relationship between the learners’ level of comprehension and solving skills of the word problems. Lomax and Li (2009) stressed that correlational research investigates a range of factors, including the nature of the relationship between two or more variables and the theoretical model that might be developed and tested to explain these resultant correlations. From the gathered data, the following findings are, the comprehension level of the learners in Kangiras Elementary School being studied is at Frustration Level. For each specific skill, only in the literal interpretation skill the learners had been classified at instructional level while for the other two skills, the learners are at frustration level. Majority of the learners are at a frustration level. The level of word problem solving skills in mathematics of the respondents is classified as non-proficient. All three skills indicators used revealed that the respondents are non-proficient. The learners have not mastered word problem-solving. Comprehension skills could not predict the mathematical word problem-solving skills of the learners. There is weak correlation between the variables and the relationship between the two variables is insignificant. There are other factors affecting word problem skills among learners. Some are identified as follows: instructional strategies and methods, learners’ motivation and concentration, learner’s arithmetic ability, learning facilities or instructional materials, curriculum and teacher’s competency. From the findings of the study, it was established that comprehension level is not an indicator of the learners’ solving skills and there are other factors that could affect solving mathematical word problems. Solving skill is independent of comprehension skills and the variables studied are not related. Thus, it can be concluded that comprehension is not the only factor that could affect word problem-solving skills but there are more other factors and these factors may be assessed and taken into consideration.