HomeUE Research Bulletinvol. 23 no. 1 (2021)

Roles of Academic Leaders in the Development of Research Culture in Higher Education Institutions

Mark Cleeford L. Quitoras | Julian E. Abuso



The development of a research culture in HEIs is a long and arduous process. Academic leaders have a crucial role in the development and sustainability of this research culture. This study aims to describe the roles of academic leaders of HEIs represented here by the university president, deans, and research directors in three universities in Metro Manila. Fictitious names of the research participants and institutions were used to safeguard their identity. Verbal admonition or faculty motivation is the customary role of the academic leaders that emerged in the study. Seasoned research-oriented, and supportive academic leaders can definitely make a difference in the development of a research culture. This study can help HEIs advance their research culture by learning from the identified roles of academic leaders.