HomePhilippine Scientific Journalvol. 51 no. 2 (2018)

Anaphylactoid Syndrome of Pregnancy: A Fatal Enigma

Annabelle M. Sinlao | Amanda H. Falcotelo | Monique M. Yoingco



Introduction: Amniotic Fluid Embolism is a rare but potentially catastrophic obstetric emergency, characterized by a sudden cardiovascular collapse, dyspnea or respiratory arrest, altered mental, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Despite earlier recognition and aggressive treatment, morbidity and mortality rates remain high. Case: This is a case of a 30-year-old, Gravida 2 Para 2 (0202), 36 weeks of gestation, who underwent emergency cesarean section due to preeclampsia under subarachnoid blockade. However, during the procedure and after the delivery of the baby, patient went into cardiopulmonary arrest. The course of events was rapid and fatal, which was consistent with AFE. This report will discuss the anesthetic challenges as well as the management of AFE. Discussion/Conclusion: Amniotic fluid embolism is life threatening and difficult to predict or prevent, and it should be always kept in mind in a parturient with sudden cardiovascular collapse, so that resuscitation commences immediately, as early intervention is essential for a positive outcome.


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