HomeWVSU Research Journalvol. 10 no. 1 (2021)

Mathematics Engagement Clinic Grounded on Brain Dominance: Its Effect on Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills, and Mathematics Achievement

Rosen Anthony Marquez

Discipline: Education



In the new normal, border-crossing of digital culture among learners are prevalent in their attitude and learning preference. Cognitive preferences such as the students’ brain dominance must be considered in an enhancement program and modular distance learning is an additional option. With a post positivist worldview through one sample quasi-experimental research design, the study evoked the effects of the Mathematics Engagement Clinic (MEC) grounded on brain dominance to critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and mathematics achievement. The results showed a wide mean difference in the mean percentage of scores in the level of critical thinking and problem- solving skills and mathematics achievement. After the thinking processes mentioned were compared before and after an enhancement program MEC was given, a significant difference was found through a non-parametric Wilcoxon – signed rank test. Hence, despite the non-normal distribution of participants in the study MEC has managed to cater to the participants’ preferences to act, think and learn. With the positive effect of the enhancement program MEC grounded on brain dominance on the thinking processes and Mathematics achievement of the participants, the researcher has constructed a modular Mathematics enhancement program framework as a guide to teacher researchers in the planning, designing, redesigning and implementing modular Mathematics enhancement programs grounded on brain dominance to hone and enhance thinking processes such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and thereby, improve Mathematics achievement. MEC is a timely enhancement program to consider in the new normal setting in education to improve the lens of the teaching and learning process.


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